Briefly about If

If provides non-life insurance service for customers in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Baltic countries as well as international services for Nordic customers operating abroad.
As of 1 July 2009, insurance operations in the Baltic countries have been managed by If P&C Insurance AS. The company is registered in Estonia and is represented in Latvia and Lithuania by affiliates.
If Insurance has over 150,000 customers in Estonia. We provide various insurance solutions both for individuals and businesses.

Facts about If

If Insurance in the Baltic countries If Group
Head office
Lõõtsa 8a
Tallinn 11415
If Skadeförsäkring AB
Mailing address: If, 106 80 Stockholm
Barks väg 15
Bergshamra, Stockholm
Market position
One of the largest insurance companies in Estonia and the Baltic countries The largest insurance company in the Nordic countries
If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd. If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd.
Andris Morozovs
Chairman of the board
Morten Thorsrud
 Chief Executive Officer
Number of employees (2021)
998 in the Baltic countries
including 401 in support units for the Nordic countries
Number of customers (2021)
300,000 3.7 million
Number of claims handled
About 300,000 claims each year. We solve one third of claims in 24 hours. 1,4 million claims each year. We solve over a half of those within 24 hours.